Explorer Ventures-Maldives
モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ"We are in the process of evaluating new partnership options in the Maldives; although we are not currently taking reservations for Maldives itineraries,"
Maldives Boat Club
モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ"With over 20 years of experience and proud local operation, we are delighted to welcome you onboard our Liveaboards for a scuba diving trip of a lifetime."
http://www.maldivesboatclub.com/■Sting Ray ■Adora

Blue Horizon Maldives
モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ"Blue Horizon offers diving and surfing adventures that are tailored to ensure clients get to fully enjoy and explore the beauty of the Maldives like no other. "
モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ" You’ll sail between the enchanting garden island of Kuda Huraa and the pristine hideaway of Landaa Giraavaru on our private, three-deck catamaran as you uncover the unspoiled wonders of the Maldives. "
https://www.fourseasons.com/maldivesfse/■FOUR SEASONS EXPLORER

Canopus Maldives(Dhinasha)
モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ"Established in 1997, Canopus Maldives took its first steps in the Maldives tourism industry with two luxury cruise boats, Dhinasha and Orca. "

Master Liveaboards (Maldives Master)
モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ"The boat has 13 well-designed cabins; with 3 double suites and 10 twin bed cabins she can comfortably welcome 26 divers aboard. With a choice of five lounges on board, there is plenty of space to relax for all guests."
https://www.masterliveaboards.com■Maldives Master

Aimo Travels
モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ"Aimo Travels decided to operate our very own fleet of live-aboard safari vessels "Island Safari 1 Deluxe" and "Island Safari 2 Royal". "

Emperor Divers Maldives
モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ"Our five liveaboards consistently attract top-rate guest reviews ranging from the contemporary design of Emperor Serenity to Emperor Atoll, so popular with small groups."
https://www.emperormaldives.com/■MV Emperor Serenity ■MV Emperor Virgo ■MV Emperor Voyager ■MV Emperor Leo ■MV Emperor Atoll

モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ"We are proud to offer over 25 years of diving safari experience. Many of our guests know us under our previous name 'Nilesat Fleet', which was converted into SCUBA ADVENTURE FLEET. "
http://www.scubaadventurefleet.com■M/Y Voyager ■M/Y Miss Veena ■M/Y Aldebaran

MV Ari Queen
モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ"Ari Queen is a spacious, Deluxe Class 33m motor yacht with a wooden hull built by eperieinced craftsman from Maldives."
http://www.ariqueen.com/■Mv. Ari Queen

Maldives Princess
モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ"The boat accommodates 9 State Cabins and 2 Ocean View Suite."
http://maldivesprincess.com/■Maldives Princess

Panorama Maldives
モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ"Being one of the leading tour operators through out the Maldives, Panorama Maldives also takes pride in serving with our esteemed quality hospitality for over 20 years. "
http://www.panoramamaldives.com/■Flying Fish ■Haveyli ■Ari Queen

モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ"The Amba, the only safari boat in the north of the Maldives offers an unforgettable diving holiday away from mass tourism in a family atmosphere."

The True Maldives
モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ"The True Maldives is active in the Maldives for almost 20 years organising adventurous dive safaris (liveaboards) for serious divers. "
http://www.thetruemaldives.com/■MS Dinasha

The Dream Destination
モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ"Dhoni Stella I&II: Experience an authentic adventure, with personalisation, privacy, and spiritual well-being"
http://www.villas-mauritius-seychelles-maldives-tdd.com/maldives_cruises/dhoni_stella.html■Dhoni Stella I ■Dhoni Stella II

モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ"Manthiri, our beautiful 85-foot (25.9-meter) liveaboard is powerfully built of fine tropical timber and custom-designed for dive cruises. "

Albatros Top Boat
モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ"With more than 30 years of experience in Maldives charter, Luxury Yacht Maldives can provide the best organization to make your time in the Maldives just special."
https://eng.albatrostopboat.com/■M/Y Conte Max ■M/Y Duke of York(Duca di York)

Diving Adventure Maldives Pvt. Ltd.
モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ"Welcome to paradise on board of Adventurer 2."
http://www.maldivesdiving.com/en/index.php■Adventurer 2

Dive Club Maldives
モルディブ モルディブ ダイブクルーズ 北マーレ環礁"Dive Club Maldives Pvt. Ltd. is a registered local company in the Maldives. "